Lesson --> Advanced --> Part 6: Text Completion

Select skill:

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the blanks:

Questions below refer to the following news.


According to a survey conducted by the city of Boston, traffic, pollution and noise were found to be the least (1)............... aspects of living in the city.
The (2)..............., administered as part of the city's local action plan, asked the citizens of Boston about their likes and dislikes of their surroundings.
The results of the survey communicated proximity (27.02 percent) and community character/ village feel (11.54 percent) to be at the top of the list of things most liked about city life.
The respondents felt the protection or enhancement of heritage (16.1 percent) and open space (15.59 percent) were the two things they most desired the city to have.
On the other hand, traffic (10.22 percent), general noise (9.98 percent), and parking (7.52 percent) within the main core of the city were the (3)............... attractive parts of living in the city.

A. erectable
B. seasonable
C. permissible
D. desirable

A. survey
B. conference
C. discussion
D. lecture

A. a few
B. least
C. less
D. fewer
Total: 13 page(s)
Score: 0/10
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