Lesson --> Advanced --> Part 6: Text Completion

Select skill:

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the blanks:

Questions below refer to the following e-mail.

From: Wayne Thomas (wayne@e-solutions.com)
To: terry.gilbert@monavale.com
Cc: Karen Russell (karen.russell@e-solutions.com)
Sent: Tue, March 07, 2007 14:11 PM

I believe you should by now have received the copy of our company profile that we (1)............... in our last meeting. In it you will find the necessary information you requested. If you still haven't received it, please feel free to contact me.
Anyway, to keep the ball rolling, our Chairman, Mr. Langley would like to have a meeting with Ms. Russell and/or you in Detroit on any date from March 20th to March 24th to have a further discussion on the (2)............... of our cooperation.
Those dates have been chosen since Mr. Langley will be traveling extensively in (3)............... March and April. However, if our suggested dates do not suit Ms. Russell, then please let us know your preferred date for the meeting.

Best regards,

A. will be discussing
B. were in discussion
C. are discussing
D. had discussed

A. most feasible
B. more feasible
C. feasibly
D. feasibility

A. either
B. both
C. neither
D. each
Total: 13 page(s)
Score: 0/10
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