Lesson --> Advanced --> Part 4: Talk

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Listen to the talk. Then read each question and choose the best answer:

Questions below refer to the following talk.
Hello, and welcome, everyone. First of all, I′d like to say how much I appreciate seeing each and every one of you at our May meeting of the Lester Society. Now, before I begin with the day′s program, I′d like to remind everyone that there will be no meeting next month because of the renovation work in this building. I′m sure all of you will be impressed by the new look of the building when we convene again in July. Anyway, let′s get back to today′s agenda. As you know, we have invited Dr. Ellen Parker, a professor at Buffalo University, to talk to us about the changes that are occurring in our environment and what we can do to better protect it. Would everyone please give a warm welcome to Dr. Parker?

1. What are the listeners being reminded of?
A. Some volunteers are needed for an environmental cause.
B. Next month's meeting will not take place.
C. Today's lecture has been cancelled.
D. Ms. Parker will be delayed.
2. What is going to happen next?
A. The listeners will ask questions.
B. Ms. Parker will give a speech.
C. They will move to another building.
D. The program will come to an end.
3. Who is Ms. Parker?
A. A medical doctor
B. A university professor
C. A volunteer
D. A construction worker
Total: 133 page(s)
Score: 0/10
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