Lesson --> Advanced --> Part 4: Talk

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Listen to the talk. Then read each question and choose the best answer:

Questions below refer to the following announcement.

First, I want to inform you of the good news that we have doubled our sales over the last 6 months. Yes, we have more than fulfilled our growth target, and it is with great pleasure that I congratulate you for your effort and the care you have taken in making this happen. In order to recognize this achievement and your performance, we have decided to invite all employees and their families to a special thank-you buffet lunch at the Criterion Hotel. Please join us this Saturday for some excellent food and wine. I hope to see you all there!

1. What has happened in the past six months?
A. Sales have steadily increased.
B. There was a change in management.
C. The performance of the workers were evaluated.
D. The company bought out a hotel.
2. What is the purpose of the announcement?
A. To publicize a new product.
B. To introduce the new sales manager.
C. To inform people of a policy change.
D. To show appreciation for good work.
3. What is going to happen this weekend?
A. A new company sales goal will be set.
B. There will be a luncheon party.
C. The staff members will go on a trip.
D. A family get-together will take place.
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