Lesson --> Introductory --> Part 3: Conversation

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Listen to the dialogue. Then read each question and choose the best answer:

W: Robert, can you spare some time today at three o′clock?
M: I′m sorry Jane but I will be in a meeting from two o′clock until four o′clock.
W: In that case, can we get together right after lunch at one? I really have to ask you something about the project I′m working on.
M: All right. Why don′t you come by my office after you′ve had your lunch? I have some work to do and I will be eating my lunch at my desk today.

1. When will the speakers most likely meet?
A. At 2 o'clock
B. At 3 o'clock
C. At 4 o'clock
D. At 1 o'clock
Total: 93 page(s)
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